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The collaborator: Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) was established in 1959 and its primary function is to promote and advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering. Membership of the Institution is currently about 45,000 and the growth rate is about 10% per annum making it one of the largest professional organization in the country. In order to support the needs of members, the IEM has 8 Standing Committees to attend to the different administrative functions of the Institution. To support the multidisciplinary needs of engineering practice, there are 16 Technical Divisions and 4 Special Interest Groups to look after and to organize activities for the different disciplines. There is also a Young Engineer Section and Women Engineers Section that caters exclusively to the younger members and women engineers respectively. IEM is a society established to promote and advance the Science and Profession of Engineering in any or all its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to Engineering.