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Work Package

WP1: Sustainability assessment of RWH treatment system for health and safety

Identify gaps, pollution sources and water quality criteria for non domestic use

  • Specify assessment criteria and potential solutions
  • Performance evaluation and mechanisms studies to identify water hazards and security
  • Develop an assessment matrix/SOP for the determination of safe and sustainable of RWHS treatment facilities
  • Evaluate the treatment efficiency and treated water quality to meet the standard of safety
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WP2: Community and stakeholder engagement, demonstration, and knowledge generation and transfer

  • Conduct stakeholders engagement workshop on proper design, construction, inspection, operation, maintenance of RWHS to reduce failure of the treatment system and to evaluate social feedback, contribution and acceptance of RWHS to deliver water for safe reuse
  • Conduct stakeholders engagement workshop to enhance the capacity and capability of relevant stakeholders in managing RWHS treatment facilities
  • Results analysis to estimate quantitative performance indicators
  • Feedback from communities and stakeholder to co-shape the qualitative criteria
  • SOP/Best practice to manage and maintain the treatment system for consistent delivery/performance
  • Project website development for public dissemination
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WP3: Engineering curriculum, Policy paper and action plans

  • Develop curriculum for awareness-raising, upskilling, enhance the understanding among students/community on the importance and safe management of RWHS treatment facilities
  • Conduct training events for the university academic staff, post-graduate and undergraduate students on safe, holistic, and sustainable RWH treatment facilities for non-potable and irrigation requirements
  • Drafting an effective and sustainable policies and procedures to develop holistic, safe, and sustainable water treatment facilities for non-potable requirements; while ensuring the adequate quality of water for safe consumption to the Government of Malaysia and Jordan.
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