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Application of RWHS for water supply for domestic use
Country Annual Rainfall (mm) Annual Rainfall (mm) Finding References
Australia 811 5 met 91% of drinking water demand in New South Wales [1]
Bangladesh 2200 0.5–50 met 91.9% of drinking and cooking water demand in Dhaka [2]
Brazil 1362 2–12 saved 12% to 79% of potable water demand in South East Brazil [3]
1740 20 saved 6.5% of potable water demand in Florianópolis [4]  
Colombia 1053 2

saved 44% of potable water demand in Bucaramanga

Malaysia 2400 10

saved 30% to 40% of water demand in common areas in 4 blocks of condominium comprising 965 units of apartments in Penang


2400 10

saved 40% to 50% of water demand in Penang


1945 160

saved 58% of water demand for community of 200 houses in Rengam, Johor

Nigeria 3553


met 80% of three-story building and 70% of bungalow water demand in Calabar


[1] Alim MA, Rahman A, Tao Z, Samali B, Khan MM and Shirin S 2020 Feasibility analysis of a small-scale rainwater harvesting system for drinking water production at Werrington, New South Wales, Australia J Cleaner Production 270 122437
[2] Karim MR 2010 Assessment of rainwater harvesting for drinking water supply in Bangladesh. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 10(2) 243-249


Ghisi E, Bressan DL and Martin M 2007 Rainwater tank capacity and potential for potable water savings by using rainwater in the residential sector of southeastern Brazil Building and Environment 42(4) 1654-1666 


Kuntz Maykot J and Ghisi E 2020 Assessment of a rainwater harvesting system in a multi-storey residential building in Brazil Water 12(2) 546


Oviedo-Ocaña ER, Dominguez I, Ward S, Rivera-Sanchez L and Zaraza-Peña, JM 2018 Financial feasibility of end-user designed rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse systems for high water use households Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 19200-19216


Chan NW 2012 The N-Park Negalitres Project: A pilot water-saving initiative using green technology and changing water use behaviour Water and the Green Economy 75


Chan NW 2019 Holistic urban water management integrating rainfall harvesting, Water conservation and sustainable drainage systems in Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2019), Singapore 13-15


Hashim H, Hudzori A, Yusop Z and Ho WS 2013 Simulation based programming for optimization of large-scale rainwater harvesting system: Malaysia case study Resources, conservation and recycling 80 1-9


Nnaji CC and Mama N 2014 Preliminary assessment of rainwater harvesting potential in Nigeria: Focus on flood mitigation and domestic water supply Water Resources Management 28 1907-1920