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Workshops and Seminars

Elevating the Safety of Harvested Rainwater for Portable and Non-Protable Uses at Household Level

Stakeholder Workshop on Elevating the Safe Ultilisation of Harvested Rainwater for Potable and Non-Potable Uses at Household Level.

Date: 16 May 2024
Venue: Venue: Wisma IEM, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

The Stakeholder Workshop was held on 16 May 2024 at Wisma IEM. The event was attended by 26 dedicated participants, including representatives from Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), National Water Services Commission (SPAN) HQ and its Northern Region Office, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (DID), National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Selangor Water Management Authority (LUAS), academia, industry experts, and members. from Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) The collaborative discussions and diverse insights shared during the workshop have significantly contributed to advancing our collective goals. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all attendees for their invaluable contributions and look forward to continuing this productive dialogue.

The stakeholder workshop was focus on the development of a sustainability assessment framework, upskilling the stakeholders, and preparing a policy paper to elevate the safe utilisation of rainwater harvesting for non-potable and portable uses. With the cost-effective, sustainable, and socially acceptable application of RWHS, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 13 (Climate Actions), can be achieved with the benefits gained from the environmental, economic, and social aspects.